Kodak dc265 manual

KODAK DC Camera Properties Software, se kapitel 6 KODAK DC Mounter Software, se kapitel 7 KODAK DC Digital Access (TWAIN Acquire) Software, se kapitel 8 ☞Instruktioner til yderligere medleveret software findes vedlagt kameraet eller online. MACINTOSH Systemkrav APPLE POWER MACINTOSH, PowerPC-konfigureret POWERBOOK. PC - KODAK DC Camera Properties-Software ermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre Digitalkamera über eine grafische Schnittstelle auf Ihrem Computer einzurichten. PC - KODAK DC Zoom Camera Mounter-Software ermöglicht Ihnen, Bilder zwischen Ihrer Kamera und dem Computer hin und her zu übertragen. Page 1 KODAK DC Zoom Digital Camera User’s Guide for the camera and Kodak software Visit Kodak on the World Wide Web at www.doorway.ru ; Page 2 The FlashPix format is defined in a specification and test suite developed and published by Kodak in collaboration with Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and Live Picture. Only products that meet the specification and pass the test suite may use .

Info Mode displays information about the DC Camera including the software version number, the location on the Kodak web site where youcan get more information about the camera, and website for. KODAK DC Camera Properties Software, see Chapter 6 KODAK DC Mounter Software, see Chapter 7 KODAK DC Digital Access (TWAIN Acquire) Software, see Chapter 8 ☞Instructions for other provided software are included in the camera package or online. MACINTOSH System requirements APPLE POWER MACINTOSH, PowerPC-equipped POWERBOOK. View and Download Kodak DC user manual online. Zoom Digital Camera. DC digital camera pdf manual download.

Detalles de la imagen Abra su fichero de imagen en tamaño completo mediante un software de procesamiento de imágenes. Autorizaciones: Modelo - no | Propiedad. Photodeluxe Business Edition Pagemill supplied software; Improved speed: Power up time <5s, image processing time 15s, LCD review speed


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